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Whether you want a small Web Presence or a larger Application Site, The Click Business can help you. From small to large we can tailor make the site YOU want and provide a wide range of other services too.
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Web Sites designed with your business in mind by a team with many years experience in the commercial environment. The Click Business works closely with other Marketing companies and I.T. professionals to bring Web technologies, corporate design, printing, networking and hosting services under one roof.
Merchant Sites
Sell your products on-line. Interface your business electronically with your
products' suppliers and manufacturers. Optimise your Web presence to gain the
most customers then enhance their purchasing experience to make them come back
for more.
On-Line Presentation Sites
Get noticed and get your products and services noticed. This is the best and
most cost efficient way to get your message accross to potential customers.
Enterprise Sites
Seriously upgrade your business systems to work more effectively with third
party vendors, suppliers, customers and manufacturers. Remote workers and personnel
can be connected on-line to enhance co-laboration.
Logo and Corporate Design
Web and Paper printing design, images, photography, video production, sound
production and more.
Web Services
E-mail, Newsgroups, News Feeds, File Transfer, Web Applications.
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